As I Solve

Bulletproof solutions for the savvy developer.

Author: Stephen Saucier

  • How to quantify tech debt

    On software development teams, “tech debt” tends to be a bucket where old, rushed, or bad code goes to rot. Without conscious criteria for prioritizing a given tech debt ticket, it’s hard to get a team to agree on the value and urgency of fixing things. The solution? Treat tech debt just like financial debt – […]

  • Get your Mac to make excuses for you

    Make sure you have homebrew installed first. brew install html-xml-utilsecho “alias excuse=\”curl -s | hxselect -s ‘\n’ -c ‘a’\”” >>~/.bash_profilesource ~/.bash_profile Run with: excuse | say

  • CarGurus Bookmarklet – View original window sticker

    To get the original window sticker (options, features, MSRP) for any Chrysler, Alfa Romeo, Dodge, Fiat, Ford, Hyundai, Jeep, Lincoln, Maserati, Mazda, or Mercury with a VIN listed on CarGurus, navigate to the car detail listing page and use this bookmarklet: CarGurus Sticker Or paste & run the following in your browser console:

  • Microcosmic Testing: A consistent, practical way to ensure exceptional hiring

    For a development team, it’s essential that everyone on the team is helping you build a better product. But how can we consistently figure out which candidate will be the best fit for the role? Below, we explore that problem and establish a best-practice solution that works for teams needing to assess developers’ technical and […]

  • How to create a complete web app in Foundation for Apps

    Foundation for Apps (F4A) is a new single-page app (SPA) framework from Zurb which is closely related to Foundation 5 (aka Foundation for Sites), a widely used front-end framework. It’s built around Angular JS and a flexbox grid framework, and it’s intended to make creating a web app very quick & simple, letting us quickly jump […]

  • Foundation for Apps – The Undocumented Process for a Dynamic Web App

    Foundation for Apps is a new web app framework built around AngularJS that is meant to make creating web apps or prototypes to be simple, quick, and easy for a broader audience than a self-built framework. It succeeds in many respects, but its documentation is missing vital information about the specific changes Foundation makes to […]

  • Regex to match all _gaq.push function call instances

    Potential usage: grep search/replace for a site full of Google Analytics to migrate to Universal Google Analytics. Matching Regex for all instances of _gaq.push /_gaq\.push\(\[‘_[^’]*'(,? ?[^,(\]\);)]*){0,4}?]\);/g Play with it here:

  • FFMPEG encoding settings for web video

    Choice settings for web video in 3 formats (fallbacks for various browsers) MP4 ffmpeg -i [path-to-video] -vcodec libx264 -preset slow -profile main -crf 25 -acodec aac -ab 64k [new-video-name].mp4 Adjust the crf and ab settings to suit your quality/size needs. crf is inversely related to the quality (0 is best). WebM ffmpeg -i [path-to-video] -codec:v […]

  • Equalize heights of elements with jQuery

    jQuery function to equalize heights of a set of elements. HTML structure for example call: div.equalize>div*4 View the code on Gist.

  • Easily truncate content with fade out and Read More button

    View the code on Gist.