As I Solve

Bulletproof solutions for the savvy developer.

Category: Uncategorized

  • Get your Mac to make excuses for you

    Make sure you have homebrew installed first. brew install html-xml-utilsecho “alias excuse=\”curl -s | hxselect -s ‘\n’ -c ‘a’\”” >>~/.bash_profilesource ~/.bash_profile Run with: excuse | say

  • CarGurus Bookmarklet – View original window sticker

    To get the original window sticker (options, features, MSRP) for any Chrysler, Alfa Romeo, Dodge, Fiat, Ford, Hyundai, Jeep, Lincoln, Maserati, Mazda, or Mercury with a VIN listed on CarGurus, navigate to the car detail listing page and use this bookmarklet: CarGurus Sticker Or paste & run the following in your browser console:

  • How to create a complete web app in Foundation for Apps

    Foundation for Apps (F4A) is a new single-page app (SPA) framework from Zurb which is closely related to Foundation 5 (aka Foundation for Sites), a widely used front-end framework. It’s built around Angular JS and a flexbox grid framework, and it’s intended to make creating a web app very quick & simple, letting us quickly jump […]

  • Little List of Best Hex-Code Words (6 Letters)

    The Best Hex-Code Colour Words #accede #beaded #bedded #decade #dabbed #deface #efface #facade #c0ffee #bada55 Edit: Here’s a good list including l337speak words